Your Journey to Align with the Moon Starts Here
Your Journey to Align with the Moon Starts Here

Your Journey to Align with the Moon Starts Here

Lunar Alignment brings together ancient practices + a modern approach to use the full power of the moon and lunar astrology. When you align with the moon, you'll build unshakeable self-worth, create lasting transformation, and manifest your biggest dreams.

YES, I'm Ready to Align with the Moon!

Access anywhere, anytime

The Lunar Alignment Channel allows me to be your personal lunar manifestation coach, at your fingertips. You can access videos and downloadable tools online or from the Lunar Alignment mobile apps. I'm here as your guide to lunar living – on your time, on your terms.

Hi, I'm Ashley! 

Hi, I'm Ashley! 

I'm a lunar astrologer, transformation coach, and your moon mentor.

Lunar Alignment is my signature method of using the moon's phases and astrology as a simple framework for self-transformation. It's ancient lunar practices, reimagined for today.

Lunar Alignment is: 

  • Mystical – using moon energy, astrology, and ancient practices for manifestation

  • Modern – based in today's science of transformation, including physical, psychological, and neurological influences

  • Practical – presented with videos and downloadable tools accessible on your time, on all your devices

I'm excited to be your guide, host, and peer on your journey to align with the moon.

See you soon in the Lunar Alignment Channel!

Join Lunar Alignment

Basic – Monthly & Annual

Get two months free with an annual subscription.

Each lunar cycle, you'll get 5 pre-recorded videos and a downloadable workbook/journal for your self-guided journey to align with the moon.

  • 5 Videos: 1 lunar cycle overview, 1 weekly video about the moon phase

  • Workbook: Downloadable PDF includes new moon intention setting, journaling prompts, and more – aligned to that lunar cycle 

  • Community: Access to me and your lunar-loving peers through the Community Feed where you can comment, ask questions, and share your experience

Frequently Asking Questions

What is included in a subscription plan?

You have two options to join the Lunar Alignment Channel: 

Basic: Each lunar cycle, you'll get 5 videos and a downloadable workbook/journal. You have the moon phase and astrology info to guide your own lunar manifestation journey. ($9.99/month or $99/year)


Premium: This subscription gives you access to LIVE events with me. It's like group coaching to help you manifest with the moon. Each month, you'll have at least 3 hours of live coaching including new moon guided intention setting, full moon meditation & moon circle, and live Q&As. The basic subscription is included with Premium. ($67/month or $670/year)

You can join monthly or save with an annual subscription.  

Can I use my mobile phone?

YES! Download the Lunar Alignment mobile apps for Apple or Android for the best mobile experience. You can also watch online through your smartphone's web browser. 

Download the Lunar Alignment App: 

Can I cancel any time?

You can cancel your 7-day trial at any time during the trial period. 

Once you have subscribed, you can cancel your monthly and annual subscriptions prior to the next billing cycle.